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Byzantine Art                 5th Century A.D. to 1453

 Byzantine art is the art of the Byzantine Empire, centered in Constantinople (now Istanbul). It was the art of the Orthodox church. One of the most important developements in art history was the painting of icons and the decoration of churches with frescoes and mosaicsIcons developed out of late Roman images of various deities, and the study of the source of the iconic image is currently engaging a number of scholars. Icons become an important feature of Orthodox worship after the sixth century. While many icons from this period do not survive, enough have been preserved at the monastery at Mt. Sinai to demonstrate their early proliferation. At this time, too, the belief in their inherent power developed, further adding to their appeal. This belief in the special power of icons became so powerful in the 8th century that icons were outlawed during the period known as Iconoclasm, from 726 to 843. Some church officials, especially in powerful monasteries, considered worship of icons tantamount to idolatry. When images again became legal, a flowering of Byzantine art ensued. It is this period which saw the full development of the icon. Icon painting continued past the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans, and persists to this day on Mt. Athos and in Russia and other countries where the Orthodox church flourishes. What is essential is the belief that an icon has "indwelling spirit," a spiritual connection to its prototype depicted. Icons are usually images which are placed and presented in such a way as to be available for petitions and prayer.




Because icons are made and reproduced a particular artist will not be used in this area. Instead you will investigate how icons are made the way they are. For instance, St. Peter, is always depicted with a short white beard and curly white hair. All icons are identified by inscriptions. Symbols are often included to further identify figures. Certain colors are associated with certain individuals, such as blue for Mary's robe. Particular numbers, like twelve for the apostles, renders a group easily identifiable. And objects associated with saints, called "attributes" help to make meaning clear; Saint Catherine's wheel, a symbol of her martyrdom, allows easy recognition.  Other modern examples could include emblems, logos (like the computer apple), family crests. What if someone were making an icon of you? what symbols could they use? How do icons look?  Icon images are easily readable. The figures are often surrounded by open space with no overlapping, so that you can see all of a figure. They are usually presented frontally, with a minimum of background. Identifiable Inscriptions naming the figure accompany each image so that there is no confusion. Inscriptions are placed beside the head and are clearly legible. Abstract Icons are usually presented in an abstract style--certain elements are pulled out and made salient. The faces and bodies are rather flat and clearly separated by outlines. If there is an attribute, or a particular facial feature or hairstyle, it will be emphasized and made prominent. Intense often deep, gem-like colors are used. Most frequently, the figures or scenes are set against a gold background, which serves to take the image out of any recognizable space and time, and at the same time intensifies the colors. The golden glow is one of the preeminent impressions of the icon.




























You will be creating your own icon. Your icon can be of anyone of your choosing but must utlize the same style used by the creators of icons.





1. First choose your subjects. The choice should be someone important to you: an important political figure, a celebrity, a coach, a friend or family member.

2.Learn about you subject. You should ask yourself : what do you want to emphasize about this individual? write an appropriate inscription and selecting an attribute for your subject.

3. To prepare for this assignment you must read over the information on iconography, materials and techniques located on the subpage to this era.

5. Drawing of the Icon, Options include any medium available through the art teacher and must follow the "The Style of Icons " information on the subpage to this era.

6. Write a 250 word description of your work, why did you choose this era, what was most difficult about completing the project, what was most enjoyable about working on the project, in what ways does your project fit into the era you chose. Type your paper in "Arial font 14", Give your work a title,














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